The popularity and importance of Glutamine are on the rise among fitness enthusiasts and gym goers along with people who want to enhance their overall health and immunity. In this article, we would be describing Glutamine and what is the ideal time to take it in order to have maximum benefit.
What is Glutamine?
Glutamine is a semi-conditional amino acid. Protein is basically made up of amino acids, which act as building blocks. Glutamine is usually found in the bloodstream in large quantities and helps in Nitrogen supply. Although Glutamine is produced by the body since it is considered a semi “conditional amino acid it has to be consumed through food or dietary supplements in order to meet the demand.
Why do we need Glutamine?
When one exercises or is into any endurance activity, the body utilizes an energy reservoir in order to keep exercising or performing that activity. So once you are exercising, the body utilizes the stored Glutamine levels in the body in order for muscle repair, muscle building, and prevention of muscle damage post-workout.
In recent studies, Glutamine benefits have also been found to play important role in immunity, gut health, and athletic performance as well. Glutamine helps to enhance gut health, where 70% of our immunity is located. It helps to strengthen the gut lining that acts as a barrier to entry of foreign pathogens, toxins, and chemicals into the bloodstream. Glutamine also acts as a fuel source of energy for the immune cells, as most immune cells prefer Glutamine as a source of energy rather than Glucose for better functioning.
Most people obtain Glutamine from their diet, which is usually not sufficient to meet increasing demand to enhance their performance or maintain immunity and overall health. There have been many studies showings that Glutamine supplementation post-workout with water or through any healthy beverage helps to enhance the recovery process, helps improve gut health, boosts immunity, faster wound healing and speeds up the recovery process.
When to take Glutamine?
The best time to take a Glutamine supplement is post-workout, usually 30 minutes into the workout. There is nutrient timing post the workout session, where the ability of the body to absorb nutrients increases. When you consume Glutamine after post-workout it helps in muscle protein synthesis. After exercise, there are micro tears that occur in muscle or fiber and tissue.
Glutamine intake helps with protein synthesis which helps to build muscle and prevent muscle wastage or damage. Glutamine helps your body to recover faster thereby reducing the recovery time and preparing you for the next workout or session. It will help you push harder than you would normally do by helping boost your strength and repair your muscles.
Glutamine is known to have the ability to draw water and salt into muscle cells. This ensures faster protein synthesis as cells are hydrated, enlarged, and swollen. This means that Glutamine helps to stimulate an increase in cell volume as well as protein synthesis. This ensures faster muscle recovery, injury prevention, and reducing muscle fatigue.
How much Glutamine should one take?
Ideally, the Glutamine intake should be around 5 10g depending on the workout session or activity In the case of people into endurance sports or rigorous bodybuilding the dosage can be around 10-15g as well.
Supplementing with Fast&Up Glutamine:
Fast&Up Glutamine post workout designed with ultra "granulation technology helps with faster nutrient absorption Each 5g scoop of Fast&Up Glutamine is completely pure, unadulterated, and unflavored. It can be easily mixed with water or BCAA or any other health beverage as well.