The consumption of dietary supplements have been increased by the athletes, year by year gradually, a large amount of unintentional doping is taking place. Unintentional doping refers to positive anti-doping tests due to the use of any supplement containing unlisted supplements banned by anti-doping regulations and organizations such as World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

This agency monitors all the anti-doping activities around the globe to ensure proper implementation of the rules and regulations for doping. Similarly, Informed-Sport is a globally qualified assurance program for sports nutrition supplements, suppliers to sports nutrition industry and supplement manufacturing industries. Many a times protein supplements are doped with banned substances. All products that are Informed-Sport verified are assured to be dope free and doesn't contain any banned substances in it.

The Informed-Sport works closely with the manufacturing industries and the suppliers continuously testing the products to make sure they are not contaminated by any substances that are banned by WADA. It was established by one of the largest dope testing labs, HFL Sports Science. The supplement company can thus, register one or all of their products with this programmer and assure the buyers about the ingredients not being doped.

Thus, many athletes and fitness enthusiasts nowadays look for the Informed-Sport certification before buying certain supplements that have doping potential. Fast&Up BCAA is an Informed-Sport certified product, been tested under strict conditions and layers. This ensures that the tested BCAA is free from any type of banned substances. It comes with 5 grams of Branched Chain Amino Acid in an ideal 2:1:1 ratio (L-Leucine: L-Isoleucine: L-Valine) to optimize every minute of your intense workouts.


It contains 10.5 grams of pure amino acids helping you build and repair muscles. Also, Fast&Up BCAA is packed with some extra powerful ingredients like 2.5 grams glutamine to provide muscle recovery, 1gram taurine to provide strength, 1gram L-arginine to increase the blood flow and 1gram L-citrulline to increase Nitric Oxide(NO). They are processed with the best in class Ultra Granulation Technology offering amazing Ultra Instantized BCAA for rapid absorption. Besides, it offers superior taste and instant dilution. It prevents the muscle breakdown and increases muscle endurance on both your training days and rest days. How to use? It's easy. Just mix a scoop of Fast&Up BCAA with 500 mL of water. You can sip it throughout the day on your training or non-training days. For best results take 2 scoops daily. It comes in refreshing watermelon flavor. Want to know more about our BCAA? Taste it? Get your doubts clarified? Visit us at International Health and Fitness Festival (IHFF), Mumbai-2018 which is from 12th to 14th of October.

IHFF is India's largest fitness Expo which will be attended by the huge population of many athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Athletes like Sonali Swami, Shweta Sakharkar and many more will be present at the fitness festival. Visit Fast&Up at IHFF and try our wide range of products' samples.

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